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IDC: Sales of servers and storage for cloud environments increased by 22%


At the end of 2022, the volume of the cloud equipment market is expected to reach $88.9 billion (+17% as compared to 2021).

In the second quarter of 2022, the global market of servers and data storage systems used for the launch and operation of cloud services reached $22.6 billion, which is 22.4% higher than a year ago. This was reported by analysts of the International Data Corporation (IDC).

According to them, the cloud segment continues to outperform the non-cloud segment: in April-June 2022, sales of computing equipment and data storage for the local IT infrastructure amounted to 17.3 billion dollars, increasing by 15.2% on an annualized basis.

The researchers list several factors that contribute to the strong growth of the server and storage market: the onset of the infrastructure renewal cycle, price increases, the start of deliveries to fulfill orders from previous quarters, and the expectation of deteriorating economic conditions by the business. At the end of 2022, the volume of the cloud equipment market is expected to reach $88.9 billion (+17% as compared to 2021). As regards the segment of solutions for public clouds, this year it is expected to result in a growth of 15.1% (to 61 billion dollars), while the segment of technologies for private cloud environments is highly likely to rise by 21.4% (to 27.9 billion dollars).

IDC expects sales of cloud infrastructure equipment to grow at an average annual rate of 12% in the coming years, reaching $134 billion in 2026, or nearly 68% of total server and storage costs. In the cloud segment, the main costs (about 72%) will be attributed to solutions for public cloud services, while sales here will grow by 12.7% annually. Server and storage costs for non-cloud infrastructures will increase by 0.2% per year to $63.4 billion in 2026.

The global cloud computing market will grow by about 15.7% per year and will reach $1.56 trillion by 2030, ResearchAndMarkets analysts predict. According to them, about 70% of companies in the world already use cloud services due to the fact that they save money, give opportunities for employees to work together, provide flexibility and scalability of work processes, and ensure storage and protection of data.

According to experts' forecasts, the IaaS segment (infrastructure as a service) will show the most impressive growth in revenues in the market, which will be facilitated by several factors. These include reducing the complexity of IT, hiring a skilled workforce to manage IT infrastructures, and reducing the cost of data centers deployment.