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NVIDIA Fixed a Bug that Caused Discord to Slow Down Video Cards


High performance in games is now guaranteed.

In early February, NVIDIA announced the release of an update that solves a newly discovered problem: the Discord client launched in the background reduced the clock speed of some video cards. The update is downloaded automatically when you log in to Windows, and most users will not have to spend time installing drivers or other software.

NVIDIA Fixed a Bug that Caused Discord to Slow Down Video Cards

The problem, in particular, affected systems with NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 and RTX 3060 Ti graphics cards and was allegedly caused by a recent Discord update. The error prevented the video cards from reaching maximum clock frequencies — with the difference reaching about 200 MHz. As a result, performance in games deteriorated, which is a critical parameter since Discord was created with a focus on gamers.

The error is closed in the format of updating the application profile, NVIDIA said. It could be previously fixed manually, but the procedure was relatively complex: you had to download the GeForce 3D Profile Manager program, and then export, edit, and import the profile. The manufacturer did not recommend inexperienced users to carry out these procedures, and now all is done automatically.